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`ftd.rive` - Rive Animations

`ftd.rive` is a [kernel component](/ftd/kernel/) used to render [Rive animation]( in a `fastn` document.
Hello Rive!
-- import:

-- ftd.rive:
id: panda
background.solid: #aaa
src: $assets.files.rive.panda.riv
width.fixed.px: 400
`ftd.rive` accepts all the [common attributes](/common-attributes/), and the ones listed below.


Type: **Required** `string` The unique `id` used to identify this rive object. This `id` is used in communication with the [Rive state machine](


Type: **Required** `string` This is URL of riv file to load. It is recommended you store the riv file as part of your `fastn` package and use the auto generated `assets` module to refer to them.


Type: `string list` It accepts the name or list of names of [Rive state machines]( to load.


Type: `boolean` default: `true` If set `true`, the animation will automatically start playing when loaded.


Type: `optional string` It accepts the name of the [rive artboard]( to use.

Rive functions

`fastn` language has various rive related [built-in functions](/built-in-rive-functions/). These functions help to interact with rive on various events.
Sample code
-- ftd.rive:
id: fastn
src: $fastn-assets.files.assets.fastn.riv
width.fixed.px: 440
state-machine: Together
$on-mouse-enter$: $ftd.set-rive-boolean(rive = fastn, input = play, value = true)
$on-mouse-leave$: $ftd.set-rive-boolean(rive = fastn, input = play, value = false)

Rive Events

`fastn` language has various rive related [events](/rive-events/). These events can be attached to rive component. They fire the callback when any event occurs in rive component.

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Quick links:

- [Install `fastn`](install/) - [Create `fastn` package](create-fastn-package/) - [Expander Crash Course](expander/) - [Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text](/sublime/)

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