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Building dynamic country list page

In this video we will request the JSON data using `http processor` and store it in `fastn` records. Later in the video, we will create a country list page that will display the list of countries in form of cards that will display country's flag and country's `common` name and also display values of `population`, `region` and `capital`.
We will build the dynamic country list page in three parts: 1. We will declare all the `records` in one document 2. In other document, we will create a `card` component that will contain the data. 3. In `index.ftd`, we will make use of `http processor` to request the data and store in a list and display the data by calling the component.

Part 1 - Data Modelling

The JSON data is structred in a way, that some properties are nested within another property.
So we will create a `records` and some of them will be nested within another record. Create a new document, let's say `models.ftd` and declare all the `records` within it.
-- record country:
country-name name:
integer population:
string region:
string list capital:
country-flag flags:

The record `country` has a property `name` which has a type that itself is a

Property `population` is an integer while `region` and `capital` are of string
type. Also, some countries have more than one capital hence we will create the
list of `capital`.

`flags` property also has a `record` datatype.

Let's declare the `country-name` and `country-flag` records too.
-- record country-name:
optional string common:
string official:
-- record country-flag:
caption svg:
So we are done with the data-modelling part.

Part 2 - UI component

We will create a component let's say, `country-card`. This component will display the data that will be requested from the JSON data, and displayed in form of country cards. We can apply various `fastn` properties to create a good UI like we can add default and on-hover `shadow` to the cards.
-- import: backend/models

-- component country-card:
caption country:
optional ftd.shadow shadow:
boolean $is-hovered: false

-- ftd.column:
width.fixed.px: 260
height.fixed.px: 375
overflow: auto
border-radius.rem: 0.5
margin.rem: 2
cursor: pointer
border-width.px: 1
border-color: #dedede
shadow: $default-card-shadow
shadow if { }: $hovered-card-shadow
$on-mouse-enter$: $ftd.set-bool( $a = $, v = true )
$on-mouse-leave$: $ftd.set-bool( $a = $, v = false )

-- ftd.image:
src: $
width: fill-container
height.fixed.percent: 50

-- ftd.column:
padding.rem: 1
spacing.fixed.rem: 0.5
width: fill-container
border-color: #dedede
height: hug-content
border-top-width.px: 1

-- ftd.text: $
style: bold
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular

-- ftd.row:
spacing.fixed.rem: 1

-- ftd.column:
spacing.fixed.rem: 0.5

-- ftd.text: Population:
role: $inherited.types.label-large
style: semi-bold

-- ftd.text: Region:
role: $inherited.types.label-large
style: semi-bold

-- ftd.text: Capital:
if: { len( > 0 }
style: semi-bold
role: $inherited.types.label-large

-- end: ftd.column

-- ftd.column:
spacing.fixed.rem: 0.5

-- ftd.integer: $
role: $inherited.types.label-large

-- ftd.text: $
role: $inherited.types.label-large

-- ftd.text: $capital-name
style: bold
role: $inherited.types.label-large
for: $capital-name, $index in $

-- end: ftd.column

-- end: ftd.row

-- end: ftd.column

-- end: ftd.column

-- end: country-card

-- ftd.shadow default-card-shadow:
color: #efefef
blur.px: 5
spread.rem: 0.2

-- ftd.shadow hovered-card-shadow:
color: #d5e3db
blur.px: 5
spread.rem: 0.2

Part 3 - Display the country list page

Everything is ready. Let's assemble everything. We will request the JSON data and display the data in the card using the component in the `index.ftd` document. We will need the two documents and processors so import the `processors` and the two documents.
-- import: fastn/processors as pr
-- import: backend/models
-- import: backend/components/card
We will create a list of `countries` and the datatype will be `record country` that we created in `models` document.
-- list countries:
$processor$: pr.http
Now we will call the component `country-card` from `card` document and we will wrap it inside the row container component.
-- ftd.row:
wrap: true
spacing: space-around
padding.rem: 2
border-radius.rem: 1

-- $country
for: $country in $countries

-- end: ftd.row

Final Output

There you go, the country list page is ready and you can see all the country details are displayed in form of a card.

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