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This is my second attempt at writing a book. [8 years ago, I started writing Python For Developers]( I managed to write 200 or so pages, and got some decent feedback from Reddit. I also managed to get 6000 or so subscribers on the mailing list for the book. It was a book to teach backend development, and it was rather laborius, it went in a great detail about a lot of small things, as it was trying to bridge the gap of beginners and seasoned Python developers. I also wrote a very [detailed blog post on Dojo](, a frontend framework, and it too went in a rather great detail going from the absolute beginning to hopefully the kind of code a well versed programmer would write. I did not finish either of them. Not just because work kept me busy, but also because I kind of stopped using both of those technologies. For backend first I switched from Python to `golang` and eventually to Rust. For frontend I went from Dojo to many JavaScript frameworks, and eventually to Elm. But while Rust and Elm are much closer to my dream experience for programming, neither are really good for beginners. Not if you are starting from scratch, if you have no programming experience. My dream was, not just a book to teach programming from scratch, but also, and unlike many books targetted towards beginners, to bring people to where I am after years of experience. A book that not only I give to beginners, but someone who will work with me on my next project. I love building stuff. You can call me a maker. Some of those stuff has become startups, but my real interest in building stuff. Not to be used by millions, but by me. And I am looking for collaborators. I want to make stuff with like minded people. A lot of my ideas are software stuff. May the projects would be hobby, or maybe they would be for the next company I am hiring for. I was trying to write those books so it can become a baseline for me to collaborate with people. For us to work together we have to use similar tools and approach problems similarly. So I thought I will write a book on backend, and maybe one on frontend, and if you liked those stuff we can work together. So here is my next attempt at that. This time I am not writing a book on Python and Dojo, which would be technologies I would reject and move on to others. This would also not be about Rust and Elm which I moved on to. I feel they do not do the job either. This is a book on `ftd` a language I designed after learning from them, after why I feel they lack, why they are not really very accessible to new comers, why they are hard to master, to learn how to do the right thing without having years of experience. I built `ftd` to be easy. And yet to be able to the backbone of next startup I build. A language and a framework which cuts everything out that I feel make things hard for someone who is new to programming. And also a language and framework that takes care of the best practices from day one, so we can build progressional applications productively. A language that will be used by the next billion programmers.

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- [Install `fastn`](install/) - [Create `fastn` package](create-fastn-package/) - [Expander Crash Course](expander/) - [Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text](/sublime/)

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