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Welcome to *The Book Of `fastn` and `ftd`*, an introductory book about `fastn` and `ftd`. `fastn` is software stack that helps you create web-applications and build websites with ease. Learning a programming language from scratch, and building full stack web applications or websites, deploying them is not an easy task. Programming is almost exclusively done by people who are pursuing a career in programming or aspiring to. Within tech companies and tech teams you will find most non developers can not program at all. Programming is considered hard, and is hard if you are using current state of art technologies. The programming languages are not designed for ease of learning. They are not even designed for building UI or web applications. To build a full stack application, that is easy to maintain, is months or years of learning. `fastn` and `ftd` aim to make it easy. They are designed so a person with zero prior programming experience can create and deploy their first website or web-application within a few hours of learning, and yet remain maintainable for a large web project. `fastn` and `ftd` for the next billion programmers. We believe ability to program, to build an application that helps you improve your life, should not be limited to software professionals, and software companies, but for people at large. Consider spreadsheet applications, they are used by the masses. The formula language in spreadhseet applications are easy to learn, you improve your life by learning just how to sum things.
In just a min, you can learn this, and your life is improved. Once you learn the formula language, you can keep learning incrementally to keep improving your life. `fastn` and `ftd` let's you do the same, learn a very little, and start getting small benefits, and learn more to get larger benefits. Compare that with the experience with Python, one of the fastest growing languages, which is considered easy today. The hello world program in Python is easy but unfortunately does not let you benefit your life must. Or rather, you can benefit a little bit, but as soon as you want to move to a little bit more, say want to show a UI, you have to suddenly learn a lot more. The learning from `print("hello world")` to `import django` and "just use React or jQuery" is not an easy journey and most people fail to cross it unless thay have decided to devote serious efforts in programming.

Who `fastn` and `ftd` are for?

`fastn` and `ftd` are ideal for many people for a variety of reasons. Let's look at few of the most important groups.

🚧 `fastn` And `ftd` Are Under Active Development! 🚧

Before you proceed please keep in mind that both the technology, and this book are in active development. Some teams are using `fastn`, `ftd` in production, but it is not ready for prime time. We recommend you use `fastn` and this book for learning purpose only, and wait for a more stable release from us before using it in production. If you want to still brave through, which we hope some of you do, please read this book and use our `fastn` and let us know your feedback. Check out how to get involved in [our community](/community/).

Marketing Teams Without Developers

Marketing teams need to put out web pages for specific marketing campaign, and landing pages for different use cases. Marketing teams can adopt `fastn` and use ready made UI component libraries available in `fastn` to quickly create pages without added developers to the loop.


Backend developers can use `fastn` and `ftd` to build user interfaces for their dashboards, APIs etc. They can use `fastn` for their blogs, resume, knowledge bases etc.


Designers can use `fastn` color system described in TODOth chapter, and import `fastn` color scheme and font pairing packages to quickly change the look and feel of their designs. Designers can also publish their own color and font packages to help the community. Designers also need to prototype their designs, and use prototyping tools. Instead if they convert their designs to `ftd`, they get browser ready UI they they can deploy on static hosting providers. For a lot of purposes these `ftd` prototypes can go in production as is. Prototypes done by `ftd` also are a lot more powerful, one can easily make API calls, add animations, add functional components written by the community.

Data Analytics Teams

Data analytics professions often rely on Notebook applications to share their data visualisations and data stories. `fastn` is a good alternative to build their stories into more flexible designs, use from open source component libraries, color schemes and typography work done by designers. The Notebook applications output is not full blown functional websites, but with a little bit of effort the data teams can create web apps with authentication, access control, dark mode support, clean URLs, etc.


Startups, like marketing teams have to create a landing page, pricing page, knowledge base pages, documentation pages and so on. Startups can easily adopt and customise ready made designs made available by increasing community of `ftd` developers and designers. Startups can chose to use `fastn` and `ftd` for their main product user interface as well.

Open Source Developers

Most open source project needs a website, documentation pages, blog etc. `fastn` and `ftd` can be used to build such user interfaces as `fastn`, `ftd` are easier to learn, are content focused.

Non Software Professionals Up-skilling

A lot of people can benefit by learning how to make quick web pages and mini web apps. If you do data munging in Excel, you can easily convert them to `fastn`, use our increasing component libraries to quickly create web pages and apps based on that Excel data. Programming allows one to express ideas that are hard to do in drag and drop softwares. Open source means one can do that at home without having to buy expensive software if they are out of job.


Students should lean rudimentary programming to be able to setup web pages and basic web apps for themselves, thier projects, their schools, friends, families, communities and so on. Getting started with and making full stack websites and web apps is really easy with `fastn` and `ftd`, a good alternative for students.

Who This Book Is For?

This book assumes you have very little to no programming experience. The book assumes you are comfortable with computers in general, downloading things from internet, installing software, editing files etc. One of the inspiration for this book is my niece, as 12 year old, she wants to learn what I do. To follow along with this book you will need access to a Windows, Mac or a Linux machine. You can either use a Desktop or a Laptop.

How To Use This Book

One advice that I got early in my life and has stuck with me is to not learn things alone. Find a friend, maybe your better half, maybe a kid or parent, and learn together, having someone you can discuss things with, who is at your level and figuring things out togther has really helped me, and may be it will you too. If you do not know of someone in real life, maybe find someone on [our Discord channel: #book-club]( where others are learning `fastn` and `ftd` and following along this very book. In general, this book assumes that you’re reading it in sequence from front to back. Later chapters build on concepts in earlier chapters, and earlier chapters might not delve into details on a particular topic but will revisit the topic in a later chapter. You’ll find two kinds of chapters in this book: concept chapters and project chapters. In concept chapters, you’ll learn about an aspect of `fastn`, `ftd` and even programming in general. In project chapters, we’ll build small programs together, applying what you’ve learned so far. Chapter 1 explains how to install `fastn`, how to write a "hello world" program, how to publish it on the web. Chapter 2 is a hands-on introduction to writing a program in `fastn`, having you build a UI that responds to some events. Here we cover concepts at a high level, and later chapters will provide additional detail. If you want to get your hands dirty right away, Chapter 2 is the place for that. Chapter 3 covers data modelling in `ftd`, how to think in data and how to model them properly. Chapter 4 covers how to build user interfaces. Chapter 5 takes teaches you about how to think about website and web app designs. It introduces our style system, and takes you through various customisations you want to do. It also tells you how to use existing design resources to kick start your project. Chapter 6 teaches you how to integrate with HTTP APIs. How you can load during page load, or based on user events. It takes you through form handling, error handling etc use cases. There is no wrong way to read this book: if you want to skip ahead, go for it! You might have to jump back to earlier chapters if you experience any confusion. But do whatever works for you.

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Quick links:

- [Install `fastn`](install/) - [Create `fastn` package](create-fastn-package/) - [Expander Crash Course](expander/) - [Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text](/sublime/)

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