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Install `fastn`

To write programs using `ftd` language you will have to use `fastn`, a command line program, like `ls` we mentioned in previous section. `fastn` is a "compiler" or "interpreter" of `ftd`, it converts your `ftd` programs to `html`, `css`, `js` that browsers understand. `fastn` is also a "package manager", when you are writing programs, you often depend on code written by others, shared by them to make life easy by everyone. Code you depend on others is called dependencies or libraries. We call them `fastn package`. And `fastn` manages these packages. This will all make sense more sense as we progress in the book, what you need to know is that `fastn` acts as your package manager as well. And finally `fastn` is a "web server", when you write a web application or a website, you are trying to create something that works in web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc, and these browsers talk to "web servers". So `fastn` is all that for you, and more. So let's install it now. If you are using `OSX` or `Linux`, installing it can be as easy as running the following in the terminal:
sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Copy the command above by clicking on the copy icon, and paste it in the terminal. It will ask you to enter your super user password so it can do the installtion. NOTE: A note on caution, when using terminal, it is generally not a good idea to trust random sites and run the commands they ask you to run. We have done this as a convenience, and it is recommended you follow other methods described in our [installation manual](/install/). This is how a successful installation looks like:
NOTE: [People have reported that the above step does not work on some networks](, please consider switching your network to rectify this problem.

Installing on Windows

We have not yet made installing `fastn` on Windows very easy, instead we have a [guide for Windows users](/windows/-/book/). Please follow it and come back here.

Verifying Your Installation

Once you have installed `fastn`, you should be able to use the `fastn` command from your terminal. Open a terminal and type `fastn` command, you should see something like this as the output.
If you see something like this, congratulations, you are ready to rock! If not, please head over to our [Questions & Answers forum]( or on our [Discord]( server.

Next Step

Now that you have `fastn` installed, let's install a [programming editor](/book/editor/).

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Getting Help

Have a question or need help? Visit our [GitHub Q&A discussion]( to get answers and subscribe to it to stay tuned. Join our [Discord]( channel and share your thoughts, suggestion, question etc. Connect with our [community](/community/)!

Found an issue?

If you find some issue, please visit our [GitHub issues]( to tell us about it.

Quick links:

- [Install `fastn`](install/) - [Create `fastn` package](create-fastn-package/) - [Expander Crash Course](expander/) - [Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text](/sublime/)

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